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Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurveda is considered the oldest systematized medicine of mankind, it is mainly known as Ayurvedic therapy or Indian medicine. Its therapeutic foundation is comprehensive and integrative, taking an approach that considers all levels of human existence. It is a complete system, with a variety of components aimed at emotional, physical and mental health, that is, it is a holistic healing system: it covers health as a whole. Literally translated, the word ayurveda means “the science of life”. The name derives from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (knowledge).
Recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) Ayurvedic massage is used by almost the entire population of India and is being widely disseminated in the world.

Born in the culture of the Vedas, it is not only one of the oldest, but one of the most complete natural techniques for restoring physical and psychic balance. It is a deeply relaxing massage, acting in the physical and energetic field, having the function of stimulating the flow of energy in the body and the release of toxins and excretions. When the skin is massaged, the blood circulates better and the lymph also flows better and it eliminates the loves, that is, the toxins, more quickly. Its aim is to restore physical, mental, energetic and emotional well-being. Ayurvedic massage acts on the lymphatic system with the aim of detoxifying the body, acts on the circulatory system with the aim of increasing the production of white blood cells and cellular nutrition and oxygenation, and acts on the energy system with the aim of undoing energy blocks, rebalancing the chakras and acting in the seven bodies.

Among others:
Stimulates the energies of the physical body.
Balances the emotions.
It facilitates self-knowledge.
Fights the "stress".
Recovers and maintains physical, mental, mental health.
Expands breathing capacity.
Activates blood circulation.
It recovers the maximum level of vital energy, undoing your blocks.
It rebalances energy in the chakras.
Corrects body posture.
Added to this are the positive effects of stretching and stretching, releasing tension with foot massage, redistribution of energy and the relaxation that comes from the insertion of these new maneuvers.
In Ayurvedic massage, the use of oils is essential to achieve the best benefits. Oils are nutrients for the skin, according to the Oriental view, as they contain proteins and carbohydrates that are absorbed by the epidermis and assimilated; this helps prevent dryness, improve shine and prevent premature aging. These oils can contain essential oils appropriate to each dosha (type of person in Ayurveda culture) and type of treatment.
The duration of an Ayurvedic Massage is 60 to 120 minutes, depending on the patient.
This massage cannot be given to people with malignant cancer, HIV positive or pregnant.
The person should not be beginning to digest, have a cold or flu, indigestion, fever or have just had sex.

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